Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My two cents about Two Rivers

(This is the long version of a letter that I wrote to the Tennessean after viewing an article this past Sunday. The actual letter that I sent the Tennessean was under 300 words. So this letter is about twice the length of what I sent to the Newspaper. Still, I wanted those not connected with the church to hear the truth, and not just what the newspaper is reporting. If you have an opinion or want me to email you the abbreviated letter, please email me at

I love it how people jump to conclusions and don't do any firm research on a news story, much like what is being reported on Two Rivers in the Tennessean on Sunday, January 27, 2008. (

First of all, I want to say that I'm a member of Two Rivers. So some of you might think this report is a bit tainted. That's okay. Most of the reporting on this event has been so one sided, it isn't even funny.

The reason this story is being reported is because the group trying to sue Two Rivers wants access to credit card receipts and not just credit card statements. Two Rivers claims that it can't give actual receipts to this group because some of those receipts have to do with counseling sessions with church members and other people.

For example, let’s say that I had a problem that I needed to talk with a pastor about. That pastor says, “Let’s meet for coffee”, and while talking buys me a couple of cups at Starbucks. That’s a legitimate church expense and is considered a confidential due to the nature of the conversation.

So now, everyone assumes that because receipts aren’t being handed over because of counseling sessions. That’s not the case. The church has never claimed that every single questionable charge is a counseling session. But because the church states “confidentiality” as the reason why receipts aren’t being handed over, the writer of this article assumes that all questionable charges are “counseling sessions”.

But let’s try to do something really crazy and look at the facts (something that most people have ignored when they’ve talked about Two Rivers).

  1. The church is audited by an external accounting firm every year to make sure that the church is operating within proper guidelines. To my knowledge, the church has always received a clean bill of health.
  2. When all of the commotion about Two Rivers and finances first came up, the church had another audit done to make sure it’s accounting and spending practices were considered legitimate. Once again, Two Rivers got a clean bill of health.
  3. Two Rivers budget is in line with most other large churches in America today (for a reference source on this, please read “Money Matters in Church: A Practical Guide for Leaders” by Aubrey M. Malphurs & Steve Stroope).
  4. Two Rivers is probably not the only mega church in the Nashville area to have its pastor eat at a fancy restaurant for some undisclosed reason. My guess is, although it’s probably not a frequent practice, it’s still done among other large churches.
  5. We don’t know what the dinner was all about. Just because we don’t know the details of this event, doesn’t mean that any staff member of Two Rivers has done something wrong.

In any case, this is not a matter to be sorted out by the press or public. It’s a matter to be settled and sorted out by the members of Two Rivers Baptist Church, its budget & finance committee, and by the accounting firm that audits Two Rivers on a yearly basis.

I know that a church that doesn’t comment on these matters (like Two Rivers) may seem guilty to the general public. However, the Bible clearly states that these matters are to be handled within a church and not out in public. I think the group that is bringing a lawsuit against the church is not only doing the name of Two Rivers a disservice, but the name of Jesus Christ also.

I also think that it would serve the press and other members of general public well if they talked with some members of Two Rivers Baptist Church to get the other side of the story.

Please, don’t assume that just because the leadership of Two Rivers isn’t speaking on this matter that there is some type of shenanigans going on. In this country, we consider people innocent until proven guilty. Unless I’m wrong, the judge on this matter keeps throwing out the lawsuits against Two Rivers not only because the courts have no jurisdiction in this type of case, but the allegations against the church have no merit. Unfortunately, the only place were wrongful allegations can survive and see the light of day is in the press.