Monday, April 14, 2008

Adoption News!!!

Round One of the adoption paperwork is in the mail!!! It should be to our adoption consultant in about 3 days! I am hoping and praying that we will be able to move things forward a little faster now that it is in!

1)Please continue to pray for us as we walk through process.
2) Pray that we can "hurry up and wait"
3) Pray that the Lord will provide the finances
4) Pray for the birth mother and that we will be chosen by the right one
5) Pray for our little blessing. We don't know if he or she has even be conceived yet.
6) Pray that Sean and I would be the parents that we need to be.

As I sit here and type this I realize that I am filled with mixed emotions. I so excited to see what the Lord is going to do in the life of Sean and I and how He is going to expand our family. At the same time I have feelings of sadness and loss. Tomorrow (4/15) would have been my 3rd due date. Sean and I should be sitting on the couch waiting for the arrival of our 3rd blessing and here we are with no children and no longer pregnant. I don't want it to seem that I am not excited about adopting because I really and truly am, its just that its hard to acknowledge how we got here. We have 3 angels that we were never able to meet. I know that one day I will see all 3 of my beautiful children.

I also know that many people do not accept or acknowledge a miscarriage as a loss. We are probably the most overlooked group in the church. Watching the growing bellies of expectant mothers and the arrivals of the new babies is hard. A good friend of mine should have given birth last week and I should be this week. Yet, here we both are with empty arms (my friend does have an adorable little 2 yr old). At Mother's Day and Father's Day I am reminded that while people cant see our children it doesn't make Sean and I any less of a mother or father. We ARE parents.

So, as Sean and I take this journey that the Lord has us on, know that it is one filled with mixed emotion. I know that as time goes on and even when we bring home our little blessing, the 3 little ones we never met will never be far from our hearts. I cant wait to meet our little blessing the one we will be privileged to call son or daughter!

Thanks for reading our blog and joining us on this journey!

We love and appreciate all of you!

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