Thursday, June 7, 2007

Off to the see the Mouse and an update

Well folks,
Tomorrow Sean and I head to Orlando to see the Mouse. We are very excited and are very much looking to have a vacation and play a little. (Well I am going to try and get Sean to play as much as I can). We are staying with Sean's aunt and uncle when we go down. On Saturday we are going to hang out with them and goof off at their house. On Sunday we are headed to Epcott. This was a place we wanted to spend more time in while on our honeymoon and did not have that opportunity. On Monday (our anniversary) we will spend the entire day at the Magic Kingdom. On Tuesday we will hit the outlet malls!!! (I am thrilled, Sean is just going along for the ride). That night we will eat dinner with my sister, brother-in-law and my niece and nephew. This schedule is not written in stone but this is what our trip to FL looks like as of now.

I am also trying to get everything ready to head to Armenia. I think I have most of what is on my list. Part of my goal for today is to get as much packing for that trip done as possible. (My mom was kind enough to let me borrow one of her suitcases so I could do some advanced packing).

As I am typing this Sean is at a gig for the CMA. He participated in the CMA parade yesterday. He walked up and down Broadway in his stilts. For those of you not from the Nashville area, Broadway is a big hill. Sean came home last night exhausted and sore. He has a clown gig today for them as well as tomorrow. Praise God things are picking up for him. He has actually had to turn down some gigs because he already had others scheduled. Sean likes that things are picking up, but he would like to see it pick up a little bit more.

Since my last post, I have been to a baby shower and a wedding. The shower was for some close friends of ours who came in from NC. Marsha is due in July. Her husband Steve is thrilled that they are having a little boy (yet to be named). Big sister Anna is not sure exactly what is going on. The shower was wonderful. It was almost a mini Gathering reunion. (The Gathering was the singles Sunday School class were we all met and became friends and many of us found spouses). After the shower was over, there was a sweet time of prayer between a close knit group of us. I have to say that I am very thankful that the Lord has blessed us with such wonderful, godly friends!!!!

This past weekend I went home for a wedding. I have to say that Kristen was a beautiful bride. The ceremony was sweet. I wish Kristen and John all the best!!!

I am still trying to figure out how to post pictures. As soon as I get it figured out I will post pictures from the shower and the wedding posted. (I finally broke down and agreed to get a digital camera). By the time I get it figured out I will probably also be ready to post pictures from Disney and Armenia.

I hope ya'll have a blessed weekend!

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