Saturday, January 26, 2008

Me and Scrapbooking?

Sean and I are still trying to put money into savings so we can get our homestudy done. We are praying that the Lord will bless Sean with some extra gigs, so this can happen sooner rather than later! We are still in the process of trying to get some of the paperwork together. I have been talking to some ladies on an adoption board and "listening" to their stories. I have also been asking questions about what we need to do to be ready for the homestudy. As far as I can we are on track with all of that.

One of the things I have been told that I need to do it put together a scrapbook for our birthmother. We have no idea who she is at this point. I have been told that we need to put in pictures of us showing our hobbies, favorite activities, vacations, places we have lived, the wedding, the honeymoon, our dog and other things that will show our personality and our lifestyle. If ya'll know me, you know that I am not the scrapbooking type. That being said I am starting to get pictures together. My mother is in town this weekend and we are going to go look at the scrapbooking store in Opry Mills. This may sound weird, but please pray that I can put together a scrapbook that shows who we really are and that it will look good.

As soon as there is more to update, I will post. I hope that ya'll have a wonderful and blessed weekend!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Girl, if you aren't a scrapbooker you can't make yourself into one. Ask me! I stopped at Greg and I's engagement. I have all kinds of scrapbooking crap if you want it. My MIL got me this super duper scrapbooking sits empty. Maybe we could have a scrapbooking party and I can actually get something done.